The Mother's Love (HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!)
Posted on Saturday, 13 May 2017
By Apolinario Villalobos
Nothing can be more tender than, the mother’s love for her
child. Nor can there be more precious care that can be shown than her warm
embrace as she smothers her child with kisses.
The mother can cry a river of tears for her child whose face
is rumpled with pain. And, she can laugh louder than thunder when tickled by
the sight of her child’s face wrapped in glorious joy.
A mother’s love glitters not with the sheen of gold or
silver but profound affection that only her heart can emit as it pulsates with
love for her child. That is the unequalled greatness of the mother!
But how many of us remember her birthday?...or kiss her when
we come home from school?...or wipe the sweat from her face as she struggles
with the laundry or, as she tries her best to prepare dinner?
Some ungrateful children are even embarrassed to bring home
friends and introduce them to her. Worse is when these ingrates shout at her
because she refuses to buy unnecessary gadgets due to a tight budget. But
worst, is when these ingrates refuse to eat what she has prepared just because
they are vegetables and not junk food such as hot dog, tocino or spaghetti.
A mother is contented with years-old simple “dusters” to
save for her child’s beautiful dress, pair of pants, shirt, or toy. It’s she,
who patiently helps her child who struggles with homework.
Alas!...thousands of words can be uttered in admiration of a
mother, but they are not enough to fathom the depth of the mother’s love for
her child.