Posted on Monday, 13 June 2016
By Apolinario Villalobos
In the jungle, tribal communities help each
other in getting to their destinations through signs using broken twigs, heaped
rocks, seeds left along the trail, etc. Other telltale guiding signs come in
the form of sounds such as the sound from currents of rivers, waterfalls,
direction of wind, position of the sun, etc.
In the highly civilized world, a person
gets his direction from road signs and street names, as well as, landmarks. In
the not-so-civilized communities, pouted lips pointing to desired direction are
used aside from the universal “finger pointing” if there is a language barrier.
For the fortunate stranger whose language is understood in a strange community,
there could be verbal exchanges.
Unfortunately, all the above become useless
when the forests are suddenly denuded by unscrupulous illegal logging
activities resulting to floods, creating new rivulets that dry up in time. On
the other hand, in the civilized communities of lowlands, vandals deface street
names and road signs using spray paints. Some even go to the extent of changing
the direction of sign posts.
Directions are important as they lead us to
where we want to be, at the most convenient and safest way. Bungled directions
can lead one to a disaster. And, that is how a nation should be treated …led by
one who knows and understands his responsibilities and never botched by selfish