Imperfection, Tolerance, and Peace
Posted on Thursday, 23 April 2015
Tolerance, and Peace
By Apolinario Villalobos
Nothing on earth is perfect. That is the reason why nobody
has the right to say that his or her religion or family or child, decision, etc.
is perfect. Not even identical twins are perfectly identical. Religion which is
invented by man is not perfect or rather, the perfect way towards eternal
Bliss. Religions do not teach perfect philosophies or way of life. Some people
behind religions use fraudulent tactics in their conversion efforts. Some churches
regardless of faith have been questioned since the early times on the issue of
corruption. But this does not mean that religion is totally bad. Somehow, as it
is supposed to teach virtues, there is still righteousness in it.
Since nobody and nothing else, for that matter, on earth is
perfect, it is necessary that we should be tolerant to one another, especially,
on the issue of faith. Let us avoid criticizing others, instead, we should
manifest goodness in our action to the humanly best we can and hope that others
will emulate us. If we fail to understand imperfection, as well as, practice
tolerance of differences that prevail among us, there will never be peace, as
each one will always try to prove that he is the best.
If communist countries will not tolerate the democratic
system of their neighboring countries, expect clash of ideologies and
eventually, war, which already happened in the past, and may erupt again soon.
If Islamic advocates will not tolerate the evangelizing efforts of Christians
who visit homes to share the Good News in a Muslim community, expect prosecutions
that will result to hatred.
On the other hand, there is always the choice between good
and better, and the final choice between better and best. But, it does not mean
that what comes out as the best is already perfect. One who thinks this way,
must be standing on the pedestal of pride!