Ripples in the Stream

Posted on Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Ripples in the Stream
 By Apolinario B Villalobos

I have always been fascinated
by the stream -
mesmerized by the murmur
that the flowing water makes
as a pebble is thrown into it,
and as the current hits a rock
as if protesting the presence
that hinders
its smooth journey
along the crevice of the earth.

The gentle touch of a dragonfly,
the sudden appearance of a fish’s snout,
the splash of swimming children,
the soft touch of a falling leaf,
the sudden gust of wind,
the trickles of incessant rain –
cause the ripples that rupture
the earth’s gently flowing stream.

Now that I am old,
I realized
that God has reasons
for everything,
so He gave us intelligence
to understand them all
without any misgiving.

Indeed, just like a stream
that gets dented with ripples,
challenges and trials
make us cry in anguish;
and like a stream
that just keeps on flowing
there is nothing we can do
but go on living…

If the stream can keep on flowing,
so should we  –
let our lives flow
along the crevice of destiny.

Just like a stream
that joins the rest down its path
giving life along its way
towards the sea,
so must we …
help others with sincerity
as we meld with them
towards our destiny.


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