Leonora...for Mai Jovida
Posted on Saturday, 15 November 2014
(…for Mai Jovida)
By Apolinario B
The first time I saw her
I gazed at a face, beautiful and timid
Heard a voice, lilting with melody
Got melted by a smile, pure with sincerity.
The traits that I have
Could have attracted the
adoring Jovi
And other than those, her
kind personality
Made her even greater, on
becoming a mommy.
Trials in life that she
could no longer count
Weakened her, a fragile
woman – no doubt
But fervent prayer to God
just did it best
Of hindrances then, she made a conquest.
There came one day, a
misfortune so intense
That pushed her down,
helplessly to the ground
Her beloved Jovi, to her
said goodbye
As he closed his eyes and
made his last sigh.
But because of strong
faith and as a woman of prayer
All that happened to her,
a fate she did accept
Though hurt, never she
questioned the wisdom of God -
She just moved on, went
on living, not a bit feeling bad.
Touching other lives with
her fervent prayers
Sincerely she did and distance
did not matter
Feeling that perhaps, she
is bound to this task
To give her more
strength, this from God she asked.
Mai, she is fondly called
by loved ones and friends
A name, though short, but
resonates when said
And her voice, when she
speak lilts with melody
Could perk up anybody who
wallows in melancholy!
is the spirit behind the “prayer warriors” of PAL.
is the contact directory of PAL retirees, and most of all
and “ate” to the rest of the PAL employees.)